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How a Positive Attitude can become the biggest Game Changer

Should we stop exercising if we have an ailment ?… or is it more the case of believing in a vision that you will recover and therefore we have only one option left …move forward.

That is exactly what my client Steve did when he was faced with debilitating knee pain.


Let us begin with a very inspiring story

that proves to this day

that neither age, nor injuries will stop a person from fully recovering and living a life that is filled with activities and joy.

May I Introduce Steve ….

Age – precisely 67, roughly – I won’t see 60 again!

Hobbies – sport – hockey, golf, cycling , hill walking ( previously until a couple of years ago squash and running); when I have time – cooking and reading .


– when training for the London marathon ( 2010) and for my first hockey world cup in Australia (2016), although I ran the Paras 10 run in 2009 which is the one that aspiring paras have to complete . Hopefully I have generally maintained that since – apart from when I had my knee trouble.


Nearly 2 years ago. One minute I was running round the hockey pitch, two weeks later, I could hardly walk. Scan showed a torn meniscus, a bakers cyst and that I had lost all the cartilage on the inside of my right knee. When I saw a specialist , he said that I was stupid to be playing hockey at my age and that all he could do was a knee replacement but I wouldn’t play hockey again. That was totally unacceptable. Fortunately a friend recommended another knee specialist with an interest in sports injuries and his mantra was to help people playing sport for as long as possible. He said that I didn’t need a knee replacement but would carry out a high tibial osteotomy which is breaking the tibia and realigning the leg  to put the load on the outside and inserting a plate to keep the bones apart where the cartilage used to be.  It involved a lot of rehab after the op but cycling and regular strengthening and mobility with Pilates meant I could play hockey and other sports within 4 or 5 months. I am now back to full mobility and fitness and hoping to go to the Grand Masters World Cup in Tokyo in 2022.


I have been doing Pilates for about 10 years? I started as I wanted to maintain fitness and mobility and also increase my strength and do something different to just aerobic exercise. Without a doubt, it has meant that I continue to carry on the sports that I love.

WHICH PILATES EXERCISES ARE YOUR Favourite exercises ?– probably core strength and stretches.

Least favourite? – not many but probably side bends!

Did it put you off being a man and attending a Pilates Group?

Being a man did not put me off – that’s  problem for other people’s perception not me. Years ago, hockey was thought of as a girl’s game – by those who had never played it!

What Advice would you give to others with injuries or pain

– decide what you enjoy doing, get advice to resolve any physical or mental problem or barriers and then  set your mind on getting the end result that you want. Accept that it may be tough but that the end result will be worth it especially if the alternative is to give up what you enjoy and regret it later. The benefits far outweigh a few months of hard work.

Did Lockdown challenge you in any way physically or mentally ? –lockdown was tough at times mentally rather than physically. I usually walked every day over various distances and  also started every day with Pilates as well as doing another Pilates session later in the day about 5 times pw. Having more time made me appreciate the benefits both physically and mentally compared to just the one hour class each week. I also thought a lot more about nutrition and how that can affect physical and mental health.  Whilst not doing as much walking now with hockey returning, I am trying to maintain as much Pilates as possible as I am prone to a little sciatica every now and then and Pilates has kept this at bay for 11 years now.

What If motivation is a struggle

– think of the benefits of keeping fit, vary what you do and take advice and inspiration from others. And don’t beat yourself up if there is the odd lapse!

Do you feel your age?

Certainly not, but that is perhaps for others to judge! Although having played 4 games of hockey in 2 days at the weekend, my body did feel it! If you carry on doing what you enjoy, age doesn’t really come into it.

Steve’s progress and Pilates Exercises

Steve’s progress post knee surgery has been one of the best recoveries I have seen. From a Pilates teacher professional opinion I would say he made tremendous progress in his flexibility throughout the knee joint.

I can recall seeing Steve post surgery and he had limited range in his knee which was understandable given the fact he had just had knee surgery . But fast forward 18months and take a look at the flexibility in his knee now.

Steve’s Pilates Exercises

Steve was seeing a physiotherapist post surgery and this helped him gain confidence again with proceeding forward with exercises. JUST FOR THE RECORD..If you want to turn around a surgery or injury ..firstly seek the help from the right people at the right time. In Steve’s case , the order was this :

  • Surgeon

  • Physiotherapist

  • Pilates teacher

But behind all of this was the most important person of all .Steve himself. Without the will and determination to keep going and desire full recovery then he would of just simply failed. Firstly Steve did everything what the physio told him to do and then followed up with his Pilates exercises.

His PRACTICE WAS please bear in mind this was during lockdown :

  • Daily 7 days a week for months

  • Rise and shine from my moovness ondemand video platform daily

  • Daily Stretching from moovness platform

  • Shell Stretch

  • Bridges

  • Single leg bridges

  • Standing hip work Pilates

Well done Steve.. A Big pat on the back for never giving up on yourself.

I hope you have enjoyed this little inspirational story and I TRULY HOPE IT INSPIRES YOU AS WELL.

I am currently writing up several more articles and if you have a story to share please get in touch. Let us all inspire each other.