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How good are you on your feet?

Visiting my favourite beach in the North East at the moment is Tynemouth. Since the arrival of my new dog I seem to be becoming a bit of a regular .

Anyhow, minding my own business and walking along the beach one spotted several dug out holes from dogs and children having fun. and whilst it is good to see these obstacles it appears that not everybody spots them in time.

One poor lady stepped backwards to take a photo and lost her footing but still managing to remain upright throughout it all . I watched her walk on which appeared to be a walk with a new limp. The lady must of only been in her late 40s and it seemed like her body did not take to kindly to a little wrong footing.

So I THOUGHT TO MYSELF ….I bet she does not do Pilates. Her body was aging far to quickly for her.

A Pilates body is much more resilient than a non movers body and I just knew if any of you had taken the same step back into this little hole , you would of Bounced back quickly.

Are you at the right level?

September is here and so is our return to Classes. I am asking selected people to move into Intermediate Pilates. 6pm Wednesdays still has a couple of spaces . This class is ideal for those who have attended Pilates as a beginner with me for more than 6 weeks and do not have any major issues with the joints .

For an Intermediate class

  • Put full weight on wrists

  • Attended 6 weeks as a beginner

  • No major back problems

  • Not stiff as a board /flexibility required

  • Full press ups

  • Modifications for side bends and rollovers